
The Nupyprop package relies heavily on compiled fortran, parallelized with openMP to propagate neutrinos. Users however are not required to install these arcane components in order to use nupyprop. Instead the nuSpaceSim team provides pre-compiled implementations of these software libraries, along with their necessary dependencies. These pre-compiled packages are available via pip and conda.

Nupyprop is compatable with versions of python >= 3.7. Pip or Anaconda are needed to install these pre-compiled versions on the user’s system.


Nupyprop is a python package compiled for MacOS and Linux operating systems running on x86_64 processors. User systems are required to have a working python3 interpreter running python 3.7 or later, as well as a python package manager application such as pip or conda. All other runtime requirements will be installed by the user’s package manager.

Install with pip

Installing nupyprop into the active python3 instance is easily accomplished with:

python3 -m pip install nupyprop

If the user does not have access to this space, because of system permissions issues or other related errors, nupyprop can be installed locally into the user’s home directory via:

python3 -m pip install --user nupyprop

Check out the nupyprop PyPi page.

Install with conda

We recommend installing nupyprop into a conda environment like so. In this example the name of the environment is nuspacesim

conda create -n nuspacesim -c conda-forge -c nuspacesim nupyprop
conda activate nuspacesim

To install the nupyprop package into an existing conda environment named nuspacesim, execute the following:

conda install -n nuspacesim -c conda-forge -c nuspacesim nupyprop

Install from source

Nupyprop is compliant with both PEP 517 and PEP 518, and relies on pip for as a PEP 517 compatable build tool to build the package into a binary wheel and install it on host systems.


If you wish to install the code from source, you will need a working fortran compiler such as gfortran, and an OpenMP implementation. On MacOS and Ubuntu both are provided as part of the gcc compiler suite.

You will also need pip as all additional python requirements such as numpy will be installed by pip.


Install gcc on your system using a package manager.

On Ubuntu Linux with apt-get use:

sudo apt-get install gcc gfortran openmp

On MacOS with Homebrew use:

brew install gcc

To install from source:

  1. Obtain the source code from the nupyprop git repository:

    git clone
    cd nupyprop/
  2. Use pip install to build and install the package:

    python3 -m pip install .